Upcoming  Workshops


Friday February 21st 2025


This interactive session facilitated by Nicole Wu, is a fantastic opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges, reflect on what is and isn't working about your current mealtimes and have your questions answered.

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Friday February 28th 2025


This interactive session facilitated by Nicole Wu, is a fantastic opportunity to connect with other parents and professionals, discuss the challenges faced at mealtimes, and how we can support mealtime success in a neurodiverse-affirming way. 

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Wed 19th March 2025 12:00pm-1:30pm

Live interactive workshop helping you navigate the first steps you can take to help your Fussy Eater towards more food success. 

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Friday March 21st 2025

1pm - 2pm

This interactive session facilitated by Nicole Wu, is a fantastic opportunity to connect with other professionals, discuss de-identified case studies, and get your questions answered in real-time.

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